For many young people it is difficult to believe that once upon a time search engines like Google did not exist. This meant that people had to physically look for information from textbooks and in newspapers, often in libraries that had limited supply of these. Now whenever a person is looking to learn anything new, the first thing they do is google. IN 2021 technological advancements in education aren’t restricted to finding information on the internet but learners are able to learn entirely online using learning management systems. Teachers don’t have to pull all nighters grading midterms, they have systems that automate marking and reporting for them.
Technology is helping learners not only excel in the classroom but it is moulding them into tech savvy citizens who are ready to take on the workplace in the age of the fourth industrial revolution. For example, if a student was learning about how to build a stadium they would rely on pictures, videos and maybe a trip to a local stadium, however now they can learn using virtual reality to take them inside a factory. In the same way that learning mathematics through gamification is improving learning outcomes because it makes the subject more engaging, fun and interesting than ever before.
Technology has expanded and enhanced the learning experience for learners, for example learning is no longer limited to textbooks and whiteboards but now learners have access to podcasts, youtube videos. E-books and tutorials to help understand the relevant subject matter at a more indepth level.
Group Work isn’t limited to meeting up between classes anymore, learners can use collaboration technology to work on their projects at any time and anywhere. This relieves a lot of strain from learners because they no longer need to travel unnecessarily to contribute to projects and it also saves time when they are in need of assistance either from each other or from their teachers. They can simply utilize email, forums/chat rooms or messaging apps to access each other and their teachers.
Finally, technology evens out the playground but making information more accessible no matter where a learner is located. Whereas in the past, the expensive schools had better access to information, now children from less privileged background can catch up through the use of technology For example, before attending the best school meant you had access to an expansive library of resources and sometimes even the internet at school while other learners from less privileged backgrounds had half the resources in their library and virtually no access to the internet. Now due to COVID19 more governments are taking the initiative to give more and more learners access to educational technology.