The role of teachers has changed significantly over the years but especially since 2020 due to the emergence of education technology as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic forced a lot of institutions to begin to view blended and online learning as something that is more than an option but a necessity. However , introducing tools to transform the classroom does not guarantee a buy in from the teachers themselves.
Edtech becoming a necessity is merely the beginning of the journey for the people who have to utilize these tools on a , that is, the learners and teachers. Teachers particularly need long term training and nurturing to not only make them comfortable with the technology but to keep them motivated whenever there are new developments or tools added.
How do we encourage and ensure teachers use edtech in the classroom?
The first thing to do is convince teachers that learning management systems are capable of not only doing things they can’t do without or that these tools are at least capable of making their jobs easier and efficient. For example, automated grading saves time and improves efficiency. Or how statistics allow teachers to identify problem areas faced by students much more easily.
It is important to have principals and HODs buying into the digitization of education at their institutions. This is because these are the people that can hold teachers accountable as well as encourage them on a day to day basis.
Once off training is usually not enough to convince individuals, as they may feel overwhelmed at first, therefore it is important to have long term periodic training especially if the tools are upgraded or new tools are introduced in the future.
Ensure to reassure them that technology isn’t the enemy and that students can become more engaged, and they can learn to discover solutions independently and collaboratively
Thus, it is not enough to buy technological gadgets for learning as well as well Learning Management Systems and hope for the best. This is a long term commitment that requires that all stakeholders play their role well and receive the support that they need to achieve the desired goals.